Curriculum & Syllabus
Curriculum Planning & Delivery
The MBA & Pharmacy curriculum, designed and developed by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology is followed by the Institute.Recently the Institute has upgraded the procedure and implemented by the Collpoll software. State of the art ICT enabled classrooms facilitate effective transaction of academic content. examination.
Academic Planning
- NSHM provides academic calendar
- The academic coordinator prepares the academic calendar based on the schedule sent by MAKAUT
- HOD conducts the meeting with all faculty members of the department at the beginning of each semester and discusses the allotment of the subjects, co-curricular and extracurricular activities and any other need of the department.
- Faculty members prepares lesson plans keeping in mind Program Outcome (PO). Program Specific Outcome(PSO) and Course Outcome(CO)
- Course outcomes (CO) are prepared by respective departments in consultation with expertise from the industry.
Academic implementation and monitoring
The academic coordinator reviews the completion of syllabus and checks the conduction of co-curricular and extracurricular activities as per the academic calendar and ensures compliance along with identification of deviation
Value Added Courses
Identification and conduct of content beyond syllabus activities to bridge the curricular gaps based on the inputs of IQAC and industry experts such as add on courses, simulation exercises, guest lectures, field visits, and workshops and on the job training for students in the industry, self-learning assignments to cover the content beyond syllabus.
Faculty development
- Newly recruited faculties are briefed about the institutional policies regarding academics, research, and examination. This helps them to plan and execute effective curricular delivery.
- Faculty members are timely deputed to FDP’s to upgrade themselves for current advancement in curricular content and its delivery.
- Faculty members of the institute effectively deliver the curriculum by ICT enabled teaching and modern pedagogical methods.
- Student Centric learning via different modes of teaching is adopted by the faculty and content beyond syllabus activities are conducted for overall development of the students.
Continuous Assessment (CA)
- Continuous internal evaluation is carried out as per norms prescribed by the MAKAUT. There are 4 CA of 25 marks each followed by a final exam conducted by MAKAUT.
- Four CAs are conducted each semester in an interval of 1 month.
- CA 1 comprises of presentation through PPT. Here the students communication skill, group formation skill, leadership skill, subject knowledge, etc is judged.
- CA 2 is report writing. Here the students command over grammar, writing and stock of word with subject knowledge is judged.
- CA 3 is a 25 marks exam comprising of MCQ and long question. Here the pure subject knowledge of the student is judged.
- CA4 is conducted by MAKAUT which comprises of 25 MCQ questions. It is generally conducted when the whole syllabus is complete.
- Apart from the CAs assignments are given to the students in order to assess their critical thinking skills and enable them to come up with out of the box ideas. Thus, the institute delivers the curriculum in a planned way and monitors the internal evaluation of the curriculum and its assessment.
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