Examination Procedure

The prime objective of this informal test is to develop the students, enrich their skill and knowledge of the course taught in the class room. The evaluation procedure followed by MAKAUT is transparent. Subject teachers finalize the internal assessment criteria based on the criticality of the subject, student’s need for understanding and involvement with the subject and on the rigor needed in continuously putting students to exercise/ assignment mode in the subject Apart from this mix of various new methodologies for internal evaluation like projects, presentations, class are used from time to time by departments based on their requirement. Four Continuous Assessments (CAs) happen in each semester.

Grievance redressal process

Offline: Most of the time grievances arise in the form of discrepancies in the form of calculation of marks. Such grievances are immediately resolved by the corresponding subject teacher.

Online: Students can generate grievances through their Collpoll profile. Institute has developed a special mechanism to handle such grievances. A student when generates a grievance, the principal of the institute receives it via an email. The grievance is then transferred to the exam controller. The Controller and the subject teacher resolve the grievance.

Grievances regarding internal/ external examination Pre Exam Process Related to Sessional Examination: The students who remain absent for sessional examination on medical grounds, submit his/her application with required documents to the examination grievance committee. College examination officer forwards the application to principal and on approval; student is permitted to appear for the reexamination.

University Form filling process: Grievance regarding university form filling by the students is communicated to university by College examination officer through mail/letters Grievances related to addition or deletion of subject in exam form is also addressed by communicating the letter to the university.

Correction in Names: Students with grievances of spelling mistake or change in their name approach to the committee with all proofs. Committee communicate it to the University with authorised letter and supporting documents.

During Exam For university examination: Exam committee is vigilant for grievances during university exam. On time grievance by the students related to questions that are asked out of syllabus or have error in marking system etc. is addressed on priority by filling the grievances on university portal. Even the application by the student and letter from grievance committee is communicated to university for corrective action.

For Physically handicapped students: In case of any physically challenged candidate approach to grievance committee with all documents and application. Committee appoints writer for them as per the university guidelines CA Exam – Papers/ Project are evaluated by subject teacher and grievances related to marks are rectified and informed to the exam grievance committee. After the declaration of the university result, grievance related to Verification and revaluation process addressed by the committee and students apply for the photocopy through the online system of university. Committee advice the student to proceed for revaluation application after verifying the photocopy by the subject teacher.