Journal of Language, Literature and Communication (NJLLC)
Aims and Scope
NSHM Journal of Language, Literature and Communication (NJLLC) is an academic peer-reviewed journal providing a forum for research and scholarly debate on current aspects of foreign and second language learning and teaching. The journal publishes research work in diverse areas of second or foreign language learning- teaching methods, the pedagogical approaches in teaching communicative English through literary text books.
Its international readership includes foreign and second language teachers and teacher educators, researchers in language education and language acquisition, and educational policy makers.
Thorough investigation and research ensures this journal is:
- International in focus, publishing work from countries worldwide
- Interdisciplinary, encouraging work which seeks to break down barriers that have isolated language teaching professionals from others concerned with pedagogy
- Innovative, seeking to stimulate new avenues of enquiry, including ‘action’ research (focussed on solving a problem, impacts teaching-learning and modifying community knowledge)
The following are key areas of interest:
- Pedagogical practices in language learning classrooms
- Classroom research and instructed language learning
- Language learning skills and competences blended with literary texts for students
- Language learners and learner identity
- The teaching of specific skills and language for specific purposes using extensive reading as a methodology for learning literature
- Multilingualism and multiculturalism
- Digital technologies and language learning and teaching
The NJLLC is the official journal of the NSHM Centre for Language and Communication.
Journal Description (Publication Fields and formats)
Publication fields: English language teaching, literature, comparative literature, language teaching and learning
Advisory Board
Editorial Board
Review Board
Manuscript Submission Guidelines for Authors
Paper Submission Guidelines
- Abstracts should be written in English and within 300 words
- Abstracts should be typed in MS Word in in Times New Roman with font size 12 (justified), Paper Heading 12 points, Bold.
- Abstracts should include a list of four to five keywords.
- Abstracts will be accepted only through e-mail –; intimation of selection of abstracts will be sent to the participants via e-mail for submission of full length papers
- Authors are required to send a short bio-note along with their abstracts
- Last date of submission of abstracts 30th November 2023
- Authors of selected abstracts will be intimated via email by 15th December 2023
Full Length papers
- All papers must be written in English and within 5000 words.
- Papers should be typed in MS Word in Times New Roman with font size 12 (justified). Paper Heading 12 points, Bold.
- Text should be double-spaced
- APA format of referencing and citation to be followed
- Papers should begin with the title, the abstract and a list of keywords.
- Authors should mention their full name, address, affiliation along with contact number and e-mail ID, just below the title heading (Centered).
- Papers will be accepted only through email; papers should be emailed to
- Authors are requested to send the pdf file along with the doc/docx files of the full the length paper
- Last date of submission of full length papers 20th January 2024
- Participation certificates will be awarded to all the registered participants attending the conference
- Best papers will be awarded
- Selected papers will be published in NSHM Journal of Language Literature and Communication with ISBN number 978-93-87855-88-5
Submission of Abstract : 30th November 2023
Intimation of selection of abstracts to authors: 15th December 2023
Submission of full length paper : 20th January 2024
Last date of registration for presenters & participants : 31st January 2024
Conference dates: 28th and 29th February 2024
Publication Ethics
Original unpublished research papers with less than 10% plagiarism based on theoretical or experimental works related to but not limited to the below mentioned theme and sub-themes are solicited for presentation and post conference publication from faculty members, research scholars, professionals and others from various institutions and organizations across all domains. All submissions will be sent for blind peer reviewing. Final selection will be made only if the papers are recommended for publication by the reviewers.
Contact for Correspondence Details
Dr Soujanya Pudi
Head-Centre for Language & Communication
NSHM Kolkata
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