Journal of Pharmacy and Healthcare Management
Aims and Scope
The NSHM Journal of Pharmacy and Healthcare Management is the Official Publication of NSHM Institute of Health Sciences.
It publishes authentic research and review articles covering a wide range of subjects relevant to Pharmacy and Healthcare Management. The journal considers manuscripts for publication on every facet of Pharmaceutical Sciences and related subjects of healthcare.
Priority is given to manuscripts that improve basic knowledge of concepts.
Journal Description (Publication Fields and formats)
The journal publishes articles from Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dietetics & Nutrition, Yoga, Psychology, Environmental Sciences, Optometry, Public health and Healthcare management.
Advisory Board
Editorial Board
Review Board
Manuscript Submission Guidelines for Authors (Existing - INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS)
NSHM journal of Pharmacy and Healthcare Management publishes research and review articles on important innovations in the field of Pharmacy and Healthcare Management. It also welcomes reviews on current topics of special interests in the relevant field.
All manuscripts are subjected to rapid peer review. Maximum length of manuscript should be 4000 words for review and research articles and 1500 for technical notes/short communication (Word limits should be strictly followed).
The manuscript should be written in MS word 97 or higher version in Times New Roman in Font size 12 with double spacing. The content of the manuscript should be arranged in the following order: Title page (separate), Abstract (250 words), key words, Introduction, Experimental, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, References followed by Tables and illustrations (separate pages).
- References: will be numerated correlatively as they are cited in the text in Vancouver style and listed separately under the title References. The style used for citation of articles in journals (1), monographs (2), and chapters in books (3), which must be strictly observed, is given in the following examples:
> Leurs R, Church MK, Taglialatela M. H1-antihistamines: inverse agonism, anti-inflammatory actions and cardiac effects. Clin Exp Allergy 2002; 32: 489-498.
> Kwan I and Mapstone J. Visibility aids for pedestrians and cyclists: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Accid Anal Prev. 2004; 36:305-12. DOI: 10.1016/S0001-4575(03)00008-3
Web page
Title [Internet]. Place: Publisher; Date of publication [date updated; cited date]. Available from: http://…
Surname Initial(s). Chapter Title in Book title. Edition – if available. Place of publication: Publisher; Year.
Electronic submission
Manuscript should be also be submitted by e-mail to ( / ( for pharmacy related papers) ( healthcare management) in the same format as mentioned above. Illustrations and figures should be given in computer compatible format.
The title page should contain abstract, key words with the author details and mail id and supervisor details for student researchers, for approval.
Publication Ethics
Authors must ensure that their submissions are original and properly cite any sources used. Plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, is prohibited.
All individuals who have made significant contributions to the research should be listed as authors. Conversely, those who have not contributed substantially should not be included as authors.
Authors should disclose any financial or personal relationships that could be perceived as influencing the research or its interpretation.
Authors are responsible for the accuracy and integrity of the data presented in their manuscripts. Fabrication or manipulation of data is unacceptable.
If human or animal subjects are involved in the research, authors must adhere to ethical standards and obtain appropriate approvals from relevant ethics committees.
Editors and reviewers should conduct the peer review process objectively and confidentially, without personal bias. They should disclose any conflicts of interest and maintain the confidentiality of submitted manuscripts.
Editors should make decisions based solely on the scientific merit of the manuscript and not be influenced by any personal or professional considerations.
All decisions and processes related to manuscript handling, including peer review and editorial decisions, should be transparent to authors and readers.
By upholding these ethical standards, the International Journal of Pharmaceutics maintains its credibility and integrity within the scientific community.
Contact for Correspondence Details
Dr Soujanya Pudi
Head-Centre for Language & Communication
NSHM Kolkata
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