NJMRA - About the Journal

NSHM Journal of Management Research and Applications (NJMRA)

Bi-Annual Journal

NSHM Business School, Kolkata

Aims and Scope

The NSHM Journal of Management Research and Applications (NJMRA) is an interdisciplinary journal, (ISSN: 0975-2501) encouraging the submission of manuscripts that critically reflect on the application of social science within the management purview, and vice versa. The journal encourages papers that integrate, in both theory and measures, managerial perspective (reflecting marketing, finance, human resource, supply chain, etc.) and social science domains (reflecting but not restricted to, economics, psychology, political science, anthropology, cultural studies, law, history, geography and sociology, etc.). Authors are expected to come up with an output that addresses how their research work helped to either improve a social or managerial condition or proposes to do so.

Journal Description

The NSHM Journal of Management Research and Applications is a bi-annual peer-reviewed journal published by NSHM Business School, under the aegis of NSHM Knowledge Campus (Kolkata) since 2009. Drawing on diverse, sound methodologies, contributions are welcome in any suitable form, including critical essays, reviews of noteworthy subjects, case studies, theoretical and empirical findings and replications, statistical analysis, and perspectives that construe prior research and discuss future research agendas, methodological research (including the evaluation of measures, samples, and modeling strategies). All submissions should include statements of significance concerning managerial and future research.

Publication Fields

The journal welcomes original papers from both academicians and practitioners in various disciplines, with a particular emphasis on Management Applications. While not restricted to the stated subjects, the following disciplines are of particular interest:

  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Environment and Sustainability
  • Finance and Banking
  • Marketing Theory and Practice
  • Consumer Psychology
  • Cultural Studies
  • Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management
  • Operations and Supply Chain Management:
  • Public Systems (including Health, Education, and Government)
  • Rural Development
  • Strategic Management and Leadership
  • Economics, Business and Industry
  • Behavioral Sciences
  • Communication Studies
  • Computer Science
  • Education
  • Information Technology
  • Global Development
  • Health and Social Care
  • Humanities
  • Politics and International Relations
  • Sports and Leisure
  • Tourism, Hospitality and Events
  • International Business and Cross-Cultural Management
Contributions from other related fields are also welcome as long as they have a significant impact on management theory and practice.

Publication Formats

For easy readability, creating a space, and engaging a wider gamut of audience (academics, practitioners, policymakers, and civil society), the journal has sections devoted to different formats of articles/papers. We value diversity and inclusivity, and we want to make sure that everyone can benefit from our knowledge-sharing platform, and also promote the exchange of ideas and solutions to societal challenges. So the journal embraces a broad perspective on the social sciences, and management domain, and encourages authors to submit their research under the following categories and formats

Original Research Articles: Research articles are expected to make significant original contributions to the field of knowledge in management or related social science disciplines. Be it theoretical or empirical, the journal is open to publishing articles that employ qualitative or quantitative methodology. The recommended length of the article is between 8000-10,000 words, though we are open to publishing longer manuscripts if the length is justified.

Review Articles: Review articles are works critically analyzing existing literature in a particular field. They are usually structured to provide a summary of the literature, along with an analysis and comparison. They may also identify gaps or problems in the literature and provide recommendations for future research. It can also identify gaps in research around a topic or spot important trends that an individual research article may not. Such secondary literature can take the form of a literature review, systematic review, or meta-analysis. The proposed length is between 6000-8,000 words, though we are open to publishing longer manuscripts if the length is justified.

Perspectives: Perspective articles serve as a comprehensive synthesis of knowledge within a specific sub-field of management, offering invaluable insights both to practitioners and policymakers on current developments. These articles often call for decisive action or a fresh perspective from those tasked with steering organizations toward success. The perspective article need not be supported by original field research to effectively convey its message. Emphasis is on the personal assessment of the author on the future directions of the field. The minimum recommended length for perspectives is up to 4,000 words, providing ample space for the author to expound upon their ideas and analysis.

Practitioner Insights: Practical experiences, strategies, and best practices shared by industry professionals, offering valuable insights and solutions for addressing management challenges. Authors are encouraged to ensure that the length of their manuscripts aligns with the level of detail necessary to effectively communicate their findings. The suggested length for such insights is 3000-4000 words.

Management Case: The Case feature is a platform that encourages authors to share real-life managerial decision contexts in the form of instructional cases to benefit academia. The decision context may revolve around an organization or an individual. The case presented must provide sufficient data to enable a comprehensive analysis of the situation. Each case must be accompanied by a detailed teaching note, offering an in-depth analysis of the situation and data presented by the author. For eligibility for publication, the author must obtain explicit written permission from the organization involved in the case. The recommended length is between 5000-7,000 words, though we are open to publishing longer manuscripts if the length is justified.


Communication: Communications are short articles that present novel groundwork results or noteworthy outcomes that are part of a larger study done over multiple years. They can also include leading-edge methods or experimentations, and the development of recent technology. The suggested length is between 2000-4,000 words.

Conference Report: Conference reports are memos of the events of a conference, or seminar. The report should provide a wide-ranging synopsis of sessions, along with related background information for the reader. The structure should contain Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Conference Sections, and Concluding Remarks, with a recommended word count of 2000 words.

Project Report: Project reports are short publications of project results and implications. They can comprise of research approach, behaviors, technologies, and details of the project undertaken, conclusions, and recommendations for the future direction of work in the field. Their structure permits a higher degree of flexibility than that of an article. The suggested minimum word count is 2000 words.

Editorial: Articles by the co-editors that express the views of the editors, generally about the journal’s policies, scholarly research in strategic management, or an article published in the same issue may also be part of the journal.

Book /Article Review: There is a section on the publication of short reviews of recently released titles in management and allied disciplines. The recommended length of the case is about 2,000 words. The publication date for the books chosen for review must be not more than one year. The selection of the review will be at the discretion of the Editorial Committee.

By offering these diverse categories and formats, the journal aims to promote inclusivity, foster interdisciplinary dialogue, and facilitate knowledge exchange among academics, practitioners, and other society stakeholders.